Friday, June 30, 2017

Advices for white colour

I have a white dog and a brown one (apricot). It appears that the white colour is much more difficult to bear than brown.
White can mean diligency, cleanness and moral. Even though moral means often that things are diligently done, such diligency is tiring, and so in practise white is somethiung that you achieve, a characteristic of things done, and not the whole picture, which shuld be livelier: healthy happy colours mixed in, and not the ground that you start from, which should be more like everyday ife, for example the practical brown and some healthy happy colours mixed in. So you have more energy and the job is less tirying,s ince it is juts some points every now and then and not something to be done all the time.
For moral you need common sense, for which is ok my thinking course at which quickly explained is looking at a landscaope while observing the structures in it. Together with that and healthy psirit, the easiest forms of moral might be rationally grounded moral: we build somehow useful things in the society, see , and therule "Live and let others life", see . For animals the picture of a horse running free in an arch in the latter, is nicest, easiest and most well working: kind of like trees growing in a forest patch: each individual, each living a fullf illing life and in harmony with the rest, not messing with their lives.

Another common type of moral is to think of the world at large, as one huge landscape like picture with the future of the world too, and care for the future generations, wish well for them and care the worldto a better state because of that every time that one meets an important questioon in one's life.

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