Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Big things and safety

If one would not know how to handle things, very many jobs would appear impossible. For example shops handling money, or a bank, or positions of fame or politics, etc. But as they are largely professions, they take things piece by piece small enough that they can handle them well. And the civilized wisdom of the rest of the society helps them in that.
I do not know how these professions handle things, but based on my experience of writing to the internet, I would say that it isn't just writing, and it isn't just knowing, but it is something which has influence if it is good quality and otherwise it drops away in competition. Like if you have a good bank or a lousy one, so which one gets the money fromordinary customers. So you get position according to your skills, or you drown in a mess if you try to take somebody else's position. When you have enough skill for the task at hand, things look quite ordinary in your eyes and often there isn't such a great variety of options but just some things to taker care of with your good quality skills. As we age, if we all the time try to learn about life, we learn more sides of each things we are interested in, learning across the years to solve things we first failed in. So a more skilled one often can solve problems that others fail in. So it matters a lot to hire just the workers who have lots of skills and a sincere interest in the area.
If some things are too large to handle, cut them to many small parts and give those parts maybe to a large group of people. Some things also are too big for some of those who would like to benefit from them criminally: if you stéal a thousand euros, that is just extra money for you, but if you steal a million euros, you are likely to get murdered because of the money. So with large sums, maybe one could divert the attention of some part of the criminals to much smaller sums maybe available. And the biggest money would then be for the biggest players, which are groups with work ethics, rationality, civilized ways etc, so that rational grounds matter and there can be agreement of what is good even if the parties appear competitors and separate. Like for examle building the groundwork for a hig level of economical success in a nation or a larger area: kind of basuic thriuths that the oparticipants agree about and base their lives on.

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